The Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) is a Canadian government program designed to provide temporary health coverage to certain eligible groups while they are outside the country. Here is a detailed explanation of the coverage offered abroad under the IFHP:
Purpose of IFHP: The IFHP covers certain groups of individuals eligible for federally funded health services when temporarily outside Canada and without other health insurance coverage.
Eligible Groups: Typical beneficiaries of IFHP include:
Canadian Forces members and their dependents.
Certain specific groups of federal government employees.
Other groups designated by the Department of National Defence and the Ministry of Health.
Coverage Offered Abroad: When IFHP beneficiaries travel outside Canada temporarily, the program may provide limited coverage for essential and urgent health services they may need during their stay abroad.
Covered Services: Coverage under IFHP abroad generally includes:
Emergency hospital services.
Medically necessary services arising from a medical emergency.
Certain essential health services that are urgent and necessary to treat an acute medical condition.
Limitations and Conditions: It's important to note that coverage under IFHP abroad has specific limitations and conditions. It does not cover all types of medical care that a person may need outside Canada, and certain medical services may require prior approval to be covered.
Claims Process: IFHP beneficiaries must follow specific procedures to claim for medical services received abroad. This may include obtaining appropriate medical documentation and adhering to the program's notification requirements.
In summary, IFHP offers temporary health coverage abroad for certain eligible groups when they are outside Canada, covering essential and urgent medical services related to medical emergencies. However, specific details may vary depending on individual cases, and it is advisable to consult directly with the program for updated and accurate information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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